Class CommonsObjectSetBase

    • Constructor Detail

      • CommonsObjectSetBase

        public CommonsObjectSetBase()
    • Method Detail

      • addTriple

        protected void addTriple​(String subject,
                                 String predicate,
                                 String object)
        Description copied from class: ObjectSetBase
        Implementation specific derived methods must assert a triple with the given parameters in the per-test context graph contains.
        Specified by:
        addTriple in class ObjectSetBase
        subject - the IRI string for the subject IRI node to be added
        predicate - the IRI string for the predicate IRI node to be added
        object - the lexical form for the object literal node to be added
      • containsTriple

        protected boolean containsTriple​(String subject,
                                         String predicate,
                                         String object)
        Description copied from class: ObjectSetBase
        Implementation specific derived methods must check whether the per-test context graph contains a triple with the given parameters.
        Specified by:
        containsTriple in class ObjectSetBase
        subject - the IRI string for the subject IRI node to be checked
        predicate - the IRI string for the predicate IRI node to be checked
        object - the lexical form for the object literal node to be checked
      • createNewSetForTest

        protected Set<String> createNewSetForTest​(String subject,
                                                  String predicate)
        Description copied from class: ObjectSetBase
        Implementation specific derived methods must create a new PredicateObjectSet over a fresh, per-test context graph.
        Specified by:
        createNewSetForTest in class ObjectSetBase
        subject - the IRI string for the subject IRI node to be checked
        predicate - the IRI string for the predicate IRI node to be checked
      • createOtherSetOverSameGraph

        protected Set<String> createOtherSetOverSameGraph​(String subject,
                                                          String predicate)
        Description copied from class: ObjectSetBase
        Implementation specific derived methods must create a new PredicateObjectSet over the existing, per-test context graph.
        Specified by:
        createOtherSetOverSameGraph in class ObjectSetBase
        subject - the IRI string for the subject IRI node to be checked
        predicate - the IRI string for the predicate IRI node to be checked